Upskilling staff savvier than enlisting new

nursing education aged careUpskilling staff is definitively smarter than enlisting new ones.

Current market labor forces would have you believe there is a shortage of nurses. Alas, if we look in the right places, and attract the right staff; there are mountains of people looking to work with you. To support this, I bring to your attention the hundreds of virtually retired registered nurses, who were brought back to life again by AHPRA during the Covid Crisis.

The situation is so ridiculously serious that Aged Care Journals have in recent months published articles from University Professors. However, there are some interesting points raised by this research. Firstly, that onboarding is a complex and costly process. Then there is the push for full-time workers. Staff need options, not weeks of onboarding paperwork, and inflexibility with working shifts. Pulling the hard line on shifts relies heavily on attracting that market workforce where there is a shortage – new staff that knows no better. If you want experienced staff, then you may have to change some of the onboarding processes and offer more flexibility.

Staffing Ratios

Staffing ratios have always been a thing. Since the beginning of time nurses have been battling to maintain some sort of staffing ratio. In aged care, prior to the introduction of the Aged Care Standards in 1997, there was a funding tool that by its own virtue required a certain number of staff to meet clients’ care needs. This has all been superseded by Quality Outcome goals.

What we know is when a registered nurse commences work in Aged Care, there is an expectation that the registered nurse is able to perform a huge number of tasks competently: clinical assessment, medical communications, appointment bookings, crisis family management, human resource management, rostering, and legally appropriate documentation on all of these events. Oh, and don’t forget that all this must be done whilst filling in the incident form, completing the computerized care plans, and meeting the Quality Standards. Then we hear complaints about the new registered nurse not performing well. In what other industry do you expect someone to complete their degree and function at the level of a Major General, on day One.

In the coming weeks, we are going to look at how to best work with these registered nurses, for the benefit of all stakeholders. Stay tuned, and drop us a line to say hello.

Corporate Governance

governance structure

Corporate Governance

We keep hearing about clinical governance all over the web. So, what has shifted?

Since the changing of the guard in Australia, and the move to the New Aged Care Standards;

Clinical Governance has become the topic of the day.

There are seminars you can complete, left, right and centre.

Each one will have information on Clinical and Corporate Governance.

They will all provide valuable information, and if your organisation is able to act on that information things could change for the better.

But there it is

….. things could change……

How do things actually, really change, with positive business outcomes?

All this and more questions about how to put in place Governance structures.

What are Governance Structures?

They are the frameworks most likely already in place such as strategic directives, financial reasons, and organisational processes.

Yes, that is correct. Governance frameworks are the structures and processes that have always been in place in your company. Whether or not these structures provide a benefit to the consumer/client is a question only you can answer.

aged care standards

There is the link to Clinical Governance.

Clinical Governance requires Corporate Governance to succeed. Put very simply; if a centre of care, does not provide enough staff or enough equipment, then the recipient of care is not receiving adequate care.

So, who decides what is adequate? The answer to that depends on the Corporate Governance structures you have in place to monitor compliance.

If this is sounding like what you are already accustomed to, you are correct.

The new standards are based on care outcomes.

Care outcomes are evidenced through Corporate and Clinical Governance structures, and they evidence they collect, collate and present.

The key is the link. Previously the Aged Care Standards focused solely on assessment and provision of care, and the surrounding environment.

The new Aged Care Standards focus on the role of the Corporate body in contributing to, oversighting, and working with care outcomes.