Why a Registered Nurse


registered nurse


Why a Registered Nurse


Since time immemorial registered nurses have been at the forefront of care.


Whether in the hospital setting or aged care. Registered nurses provide care for the patients as well as assisting physicians in providing treatment to patients in various hospital and community settings.

The tasks often associated with nursing includes monitoring, recording and reporting symptoms or changes in patient’s conditions.



The primary issue of the day is why do we need a registered nurse in aged care, when someone with a certificate III or IV can administer medications and perform wound dressings?

The answer is the same as it has always been.

A bowel chart defining seven days with no bowel motion, is just that – a chart.

Any person will know there is a problem; however a registered nurse will understand how serious the problem is, will take immediate action to have it rectified, will undertake a detailed assessment and analyse the data to prevent this from happening again; will contact relevant people to notify of any potential changes; and will clearly document all events.

What happens if there is no registered nurse in this situation..

is not for discussion in this article. The resultant perpetuating medical problems are potentially insurmountable.


Why again?

Registered nurses provide not only physical care in terms of administering medication and other treatments, but they also undertake the provision of emotional support during care transition; counsel and educate families in the transition process; collaborate with other medical professionals about changes in care needs; and registered nurses clearly document the issue, the actions taken and the resultant outcome.



If your staff are not performing at this level, you have a problem.

Call me right now, so that you can get the professional care you require from your registered nurses.